"If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old."
-Peter Drucker
Are you hardworking and successful, but feel overwhelmed and disconnected?
Do you consistently feel like you don’t have the time and energy to focus on important things like your health and your family?
Does your daily mantra include “I just have to get this one thing done, then I will feel less stressed,” but there is always another thing?
If you want to have more energy and less stress, join me for the ReEnergize! Workshop.
In this workshop we will:
* Identify triggers for stress (there may be some things you don’t even realize exist!)
* Uncover blocks to your productivity so you can feel more in control of your day.
* Create energy-generating habits to transform your daily experience, enabling you to show up with excellence for your work, your family, and your health.
Sign Up Today if you are ready to replace your stress with more energy, without losing your edge.

I came away (from this workshop) with a better understanding of myself and the ways in which I sabotage what I say I want and how I want to be.

Your workshop was really thoughtful in that it helped me focus on my highest priorities.